Product Circularity
Use:  Installed Products

The majority of chemicals most people are exposed to on a daily basis come from indoor environments where most of their time is spent—their homes, offices and schools, for example. Since flooring covers a significant surface area in indoor spaces, it can have an effect on indoor air quality. That’s why Mohawk intentionally designs and manufactures products to meet or exceed all health, safety and quality standards, as well as local, state and federal laws related to volatile organic compounds.

We have decreased emissions by substituting newly available chemicals and partnering with vendors to improve material composition. We review and approve all new chemical and material products prior to import, purchase, request for sample or bringing it on-site. We request a “chemical of concern” evaluation sheet from suppliers of chemicals or materials used in the manufacture or production of our products.

Mohawk’s other methods of creating healthy spaces through healthy products includes using glue-free installation methods, reducing chemicals used in carpet adhesives, applying water-based inks and coatings and using antimicrobial protection, all of which lead to many of our products earning certifications. Examples of some of these are provided below.


Green Squared Certified FDES Vérifiée Inies NSF HDP Version 2.1 Global Green Tag NALFA – North American Laminate Flooring Association Declare UL Certified – Environmental Protection Declaration Living Product Challenge

Indoor Air Quality Labels

UL Green Guard CRI Green Label Plus Émissions Dans L'air Intérieur – A+ Émissions Dans L'air Intérieur – A QS 4Stars Glue Floor Score – Certified by SCS Global Services Eurofins Gold M1 – RTS • Emission Class for Building Material